Systems Management
The company’s management philosophy is mainly based on responsibility and mutual respect. We will maintain an environment and structure that will encourage productivity and respect for client and fellow employees. ZNCC will be responsible to its employees and sub-contractors, the men and women who will work with the company throughout the country. Everyone will be considered as an individual and the company will respect their dignity and recognize their merits. Employees will be encouraged to have a sense of security and pride in their jobs. Additionally, employees will be free to make suggestions and complaints.
ZNCC offers professional design and construction management services that are tailored to the size and complexity of any given projects and backed by a corporate commitment to total quality management. On complex assignments involving numerous projects and contracts, ZNCC’s system management typically includes:

  • Project Finance Development
  • Project Estimating and Progress Reporting
  • Scheduling, Cost Tracking & Forecasting
  • Planning & Work Breakdown Structures
  • Value Engineering
  • Field Engineering
  • Operations and Maintenance

ZNCC’s construction engineering and inspection services personnel are experts in monitoring the quality of construction work and documenting the materials, labor and equipment used. Our key staff are graduates or certified Project Managers and our scheduling staff are certified schedulers using Primavera or MS.Project software. ZNCC has the capability to build complex projects in any part of Afghanistan with specified United States or other standards. As a result, we provide a unique reservoir of skills with which to support our clients. Before selecting your General Contractor, Design/ Build Contractor, Engineer, Testing or Inspection firm its identity is very important that you ask for references and verify their ability. This selection is a very important and remains a difficult decision due to the limited capabilities and resources of contractors in Afghanistan. ZNCC has the capacity, financial and other resources to ensure that your project is successfully completed on time, on budget, and within project specification.